Basic earnings per share, EUR

Profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company


Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding - repurchased own shares

Diluted earnings per share, EUR

Profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company


Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding + dilutive potential ordinary shares - repurchased own shares


Alternative performance measures

The Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) are presented to illustrate the financial performance of business operations and to improve comparability between reporting periods. They should not be replacements for the performance measures defined in IFRS standards.

Return on equity (ROE), %

Profit for the period x 100


Total equity (average of the beginning and
end of the year)

Return on equity at fair value %, (ROE)

Total comprehensive income for the period x 100


Total equity (average of the beginning and
end of the year)

Return on assets (ROA), %

Profit for the period x 100


Balance sheet total (average of the beginning and end of the year)

Cost/income ratio, %

Fee and commission expense + interest and other financing expense + administrative expenses + depreciation + other operating expenses


Total income + share of associates' profit or loss

Price/Earnings (P/E)

Price of share at the end of the period



Equity ratio, %

Total equity x 100


Balance sheet total

Gearing ratio, %

(Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents) x 100


Total equity

Equity/share, EUR

Equity attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company


Number of shares at end of period - repurchased own shares

Dividend/share, EUR

Dividend payable for the financial period x 100


Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding - repurchased own shares

Dividend/earnings, %

Dividend/share x 100


Basic earnings per share

Effective dividend yield, %

Dividend/share x 100


Price of share at the end of the period

Market capitalization

Number of shares at end of financial period, less repurchased own shares, multiplied by stock exchange price at end of financial period

Shares traded, %

Shares traded during the financial period x 100


Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding