

Taaleri Plc's Board of Directors decided on a new matching share plan for the company's Head of Sales

The Board of Directors of Taaleri Plc has decided to establish a new share-based incentive plan for the company's Head of Sales. The aim of the new plan is to align the objectives of the shareholders and the participant in order to increase the value of Taaleri in the long-term as well as to retain the participant at the company and offer him a competitive reward plan that is based on earning, accumulating and investing the company's shares.

The plan consists of one matching period starting on 4 November 2022 and ending on 31 December 2025. In the plan, it is possible to earn matching shares from a matching period of approximately three years. The prerequisite for receiving matching shares is that the participant acquires company's shares within the limits announced by the Board of Directors in advance and that his employment with the company is valid until the reward payment. The achievement of the target set for the amount of assets under management by the company will affect the size of the reward multiplier.

The final number of matching shares depends on the number of shares acquired by the participant and the reward multiplier.   The reward value corresponds to the value of a maximum of 21,041 Taaleri Plc shares, including also the potential proportion to be paid in cash (gross reward), calculated on the basis of the current share price and assuming that the participant invests in the shares the maximum amount set by the Board of Directors and the company's target for the reward multiplier is achieved. The plan rewards will be paid partly in company shares and partly in cash. The cash proportion is intended to cover taxes and tax-related expenses arising from the reward to the participant.

The participant must own half of the net of number shares paid to him on the basis of the plan until the total value of his shareholding in the company equals to half of his annual gross salary. Such number of shares must be owned as long as the employment continues.

Helsinki, 4 November 2022
Taaleri Plc
Board Of Directors


For further information, please contact:
CEO Peter Ramsay, +358 50 343 7493, peter.ramsay@taaleri.com
Head of Communications and IR Siri Markula, +358 40 743 2177, siri.markula@taaleri.com

Nasdaq Helsinki
Key media

Taaleri in brief

Taaleri is a Nordic investment and asset manager with an emphasis on renewable energy and other alternative investments. We channel capital towards economically profitable undertakings that have a lasting positive impact on the environment and society. We combine capital with talent, expertise, entrepreneurship, and a bold sense of purpose. We are a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2010, and we joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative in 2021. Taaleri’s vision is to be a Nordic forerunner in alternative investments focusing on sustainability.

Taaleri has two business segments: Private Asset Management and Strategic Investments. Private Asset Management consists of renewable energy, real estate and bioindustry businesses. The Strategic Investments segment includes Garantia Insurance Company Ltd.

Taaleri has EUR 2.5 bn of assets under management in its private equity funds and co-investments. The company has approximately 120 employees. Taaleri Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki.


Head of Communications and IR Siri Markula, +358 40 743 2177, siri.markula@taaleri.com

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